The Balance

Life and Death
Share the same breath
Of each succeeding day
Courage and fears
Smiles and tears
Molded from similar clay

Lost in tranquility

Patience may die
With temper increased
But spirits will fly
When the shame is released

The Balance of the Universe
Keeps everything in place
Maintains a common space
And preserves the unity
At a steadfast, even pace

To love or hate
Freewill or fate
Or just some Wizard’s scheme
One and all
Fly and fall
In a silent, forgotten dream

Promotes a reaction

The heart and mind
Will unite finally
As the ground and the sky
Drown in the sea

The Balance of the Universe
Keeps everything in place
Maintains a common space
And keeps alive the unity
Leaving no evident trace

And when the world is calm and still
And everything is warm
Somewhere else in the Universe
A new world is transformed…