Just as Yesterday
Today is just as yesterday, different though the same
The sky is bluer, the trees more green
Nights often brighter than the days
We’ve been together longer than ever we’ve been apart
Trudging through the thick, reveling in the thin
Wrapped around each other’s heart
We were made for this, you and I, since long before we could dream
We looked ahead to a life together and there we were, you and me
We could not imagine the lives we’d share
Nor the journey we might take
The joy of our children each step of the way
And the pain as each heart would break
But we made a choice, just as yesterday, to always do it together
To laugh, to love, to sing, to cry—embraced, you and me, forever
Can’t turn back now, where might we go?
For at His side we stand so strong
It’s here we’re best, even at our worst, and it’s here we are meant to grow
‘Cause there’s nothing special about us when we stand apart
There we are burdened, scared and alone
Just nothing but empty and useless bones
Chained and unable to see
But as we journey side by side along this long and winding road
We share the wonders of Creation and the warmth of His abode
Our Love is true power, our Love a powerful truth
Living as one, and never apart
Always together, an entangled cord
Together in Spirit, forever in heart
We were made for this, you and I, since long before we could dream
We looked ahead to a life together and there we were, you and me . . .
For Our Anniversary, 36 years and counting . . .